Owner Occupied Home Repair Programs

We provide low income homeowners with funding to help them repair their homes and make them more energy efficient. Call at 893-7222 x213 or email at housing@urbanctr.org for more information.

We currently serve the following neighborhoods
(highlighted in blue on map to right)

– Masten Park
– Genesee-Moselle
– Hamlin Park
– Broadway-Fillmore
– Delavan-Grider
– MLK Park
– Pratt-Willert

See if you are in our service area

Single Item
Repair Program

Single Item Repair Program Document Checklist

This program assists owner occupied households with repairs of verified emergency conditions. Properties in deteriorated condition are not eligible for this program. Loan funds are provided at no interest with repayment schedule based on household income. 

This program assists owners of busy households in repairing proven emergency conditions. Properties that are in a degraded state cannot be used in this program. Credit funds are provided without interest with a repayment schedule based on household income. 

Items covered include: roof and gutter system, sewer line break, main water line break, leaking roof, electrical hazards at main panel, defective heating system, defective hot water heater, gas line break.

Target/Focus Area Program

Target Streets Progam Document Checklist

Funding is provided to owner occupied households for code related repairs and lead hazard reductions who live on target streets in the City of Buffalo. Loan funds are provided at no interest and partial conditional grants with repayment determined by household income. 

50/50 Program

50/50 Progam Document Checklist

This program provides funding for up to one half of the repair costs towards code related and lead hazard repairs. Both owners and purchasers of one and two family homes can apply. Loan funds are provided at no interest conditional grants.


You may be disqualified for assistance at any point in the application process for the below reasons:

1)   Your home’s taxes and fees (City taxes; County taxes; Water bill; User fees, etc.) must be fully paid or in a payment arrangement throughout the ENTIRE application and assistance process

2)   You must have owned and lived in your home for at least one year 

3)   You cannot own more than one home or property

4)   Your home must be in generally good condition

5)   Your home cannot have more than ONE emergency condition

6)   You and your spouse (if married) must have clear title or ownership of the home. You may be disqualified if your home lists multiple owners who do not reside in the house

The Matt Urban Center’s Housing & Community Development Department receives funding from the City of Buffalo, New York State Housing and Community Renewal, and the Affordable Housing Corporation for these programs.