Community is at the heart of the Matt Urban’s Centers mission – to create stronger ones. A stronger youth, family and senior base will strengthen communities for a better tomorrow.


Youth & Family Services

The Supervision and Treatment Services for Juveniles Program (STSJP) program serves teens within the City of Buffalo who are a Person in Need of Supervision (PINS), Juvenile Delinquent (JD), Juvenile Offender (JO), or Adolescent Offender (AO).  What makes this program unique is the ability to link youth to our Workforce Development program where they will receive soft skill training, resume writing, budgeting and interview etiquette.

Senior Services

The Senior Services Department provides clients with assistance in completing applications and applying for benefits and entitlements through a number of agencies. Assistance includes help with HEAP, Medicaid, Medicare Savings Plan, SNAP (Food Stamps), IT-214 Renters and Homeowners Tax Rebate, and STAR Property Tax Reduction.

Hope Center

The Matt Urban Hope Center responds to the needs of the community by providing benefits screening, a clothing boutique, personal essentials pantry, food pantry and daily meals through our Urban Diner.