Grab-and-Go Thanksgiving Feast at Matt Urban Hope Center
Join us next Wednesday, November 25 for a grab-and-go Thanksgiving Feast prepared by our Hope Center chef, Chris! Meals are free to the community and can be picked up from 2-5pm outside 385 Paderewski Drive. Masks are mandatory and social distancing measures will be in place. One member of a household can come pick up on behalf of your family.
Happy Thanksgiving to our community!
Cookies for a Cause To Benefit Matt Urban Center
We’re SO excited that Cookies for a Cause will still be taking place this year (in pandemic-safe fashion, of course), thanks to the determination of our event organizer, Rebecca Decker.
This year’s event has been reimagined as a cookie sale, with all proceeds benefitting the Matt Urban Center. Orders must be submitted by November 28. The online cookie order form can be found here:
More information and updates can be found on the Facebook event page:
Now Accepting Rental Applications for Hope House Apartments

Hope Center Now Assisting Residents With Rent and Mortgage Assistance Applications
The Matt Urban Hope Center, located at 385 Paderewski Drive, will be assisting residents with processing their documentation to apply for Live Well Erie and City of Buffalo Cares Act Rental and Mortgage Assistance, from now through November 25.
This program will provide temporary rent and mortgage assistance to individuals who were unable to pay their rent or mortgage due to circumstances related to the COVID-19 pandemic.
All residents must first call 2-1-1 to verify their eligibility for this program. Once deemed eligible, residents may contact our Hope Center staff to set up an appointment to submit their documentation. We cannot accept walk-in clients at this time due to COVID-19 restrictions at our facility, so an appointment is suggested to ensure timely assistance. Please call (716) 893-7222 x310 to set an appointment.
Residents must come to the appointment with all required documents. A list of required documents is available at
Note that our Hope Center is following all New York State COVID-19 guidelines and a face mask is required in order to enter the facility.
To learn more about this program, please visit